Monday, April 26, 2010

Need another 24 hrs in a day

I never seem to have enough time in a day to do all the things i want to do. Mostly the housework gets left out, but i scrape by doing the bare minimum. I need all my spare time for crafting. With the kids back at school (YAY!!!) it's just Noah and me. He is such a good little boy - still having his daytime naps so that mummy can race to the sewing machine and create.
Lately i have been pumping out handbags like there is no tomorrow. Each one of them is unique and each one i fall in love with and dont want to part with but i tell myself i can always make another.
I am going to list the ones i make on here to sell.
I love it that others are enjoying something i poured my heart into. Its sort of like a little bit of me goes with each creation and it makes me feel good when people are as happy with my makings as I am.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for blogging. You can knit and crochet? I can only kind of knit and I can't crochet at all:( Oh well, it's not like there aren't plenty of other things to do! Keep it up. Loving the handbags! You rock girl!
